IEEE Global Communications Conference
8–12 December 2024 // Cape Town, South Africa

WS-21: Workshop on BlockSecSDN: Blockchain for Secure Software-defined Networking in Smart Communities

WS-21: Workshop on BlockSecSDN: Blockchain for Secure Software-defined Networking in Smart Communities


The digital age is empowering users to adopt Internet-of-Things (IoT) in smart communities. The connected hardware devices generate and exchange data to enable fast communication among heterogeneous devices. The data is transported to the network through advanced wireless communication technologies and communicated among various domains such as a device to device, a device to cloud, or device to gateway. Software-defined networking (SDN) comes to the aid of IoT as a centralized approach that can provide flexible network topologies, and also maintain data consistency and interoperability among heterogeneous IoT devices with the help of automation.

Although SDN technology performs resilient and reliable connections in the heterogeneous environment based on secure communication protocols designed by the network programmers, but it is still susceptible to security vulnerabilities and devastating attacks. Nowadays, Blockchain, often linked to the financial service industry due to the concept of its underlying inception, i.e, bitcoin. But, it is a wrong conception to confine blockchain to only one vertical. Contrary to popular opinion, blockchain can be closely associated with security and thereon can transverse across all smart communities. Under this umbrella, one possibility is the blockchain for Secure SDN, and large-scale network enterprises are already investing and exploring this opportunity.

Addressing the need for a secure network architecture that adapts to the diverse requirement of smart communities, this workshop aims to serve as a platform for researchers from academia and industry, to submit the new developments, related to the usage of blockchain for Secure SDN.

We seek original completed and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal/ magazine/conference. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Security and privacy for innovative service delivery models.
  • Lightweight Cryptography in wireless sensors nodes for SDN security.
  • Quantum Cryptography in heterogeneous IoT devices for SDN security.
  • Blockchain for secure device-to-device communication in SDN.
  • Authentication, authorization, and access control for SDN security.
  • Blockchain for anomaly detection in smart communities.
  • Blockchain for secure integration of IoT and fog devices for SDN.
  • Intrusion detection and prevention system for SDN security.
  • Heterogeneous blockchain models and trustworthy architectures.
  • Blockchain for secure data storage and computing model in SDN.
  • Testbed and experimental components tailored to specific BlockSecSDN.
  • Blockchain for secure transaction management using SDN.
  • Deduplication architectures for blockchain-enabled cloud storage.
  • Blockchain for security and privacy standardization for SDN.
  • Dependable control plane optimization for BlockSecSDN in Smart Communities.

Workshop Web Page


Important Dates

  • Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 15 July 2024
  • Paper Acceptance Notification: 1 September 2024
  • Camera Ready: 1 October 2024
  • Accepted Author Registration Deadline: 1 October 2024


Submission Link

Coming soon


Workshop Chair



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